Coen brothers: Movie industry is fickle

21st February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ethan Coen says the film industry is fickle and flukey ahead of the Oscars.

Ethan, 53, and 56-year-old brother Joel - more commonly known as the Coen Brothers have received 10 Oscar nominations for their new film True Grit.

The film starring Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfeld - has been the brothers' biggest commercial success, with worldwide takings exceeding $175m.

Despite the films obvious achievements, director Ethan is dubious about the industrys intentions, and is not holding out for an Oscar sweep later this month.

"It's a notoriously fickle, flukey, unpredictable business," he told the BBC.

Despite his negative attitude towards the industrys expectations as a whole, Ethan believes True Grit is a success in its own right. The Coen brothers whose films have earned them 33 Academy Award nominations over the past 18 years have revealed that the acclaim is rewarding.

"I won't be able to explain, but it's very gratifying. It's done better than any of our other movies by a long shot, he explained.

True Grit sees US Marshall Rooster Cogburn helping teenage farm girl Mattie Ross and Texas Ranger LaBoeuf track down the girl's father's killer, Tom Chaney. Jeff Bridges has received an Oscar nomination for his role as US Marshall Rooster Cogburn, while young star Hailee was also recognised for playing Mattie.

The film marks the first time the Coens have worked with Jeff Bridges since 1998 cult favourite The Big Lebowski. (C) Cover Media
