Eva Green treats Burton to insect

10th May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Eva Green bought Tim Burton a rainbow beetle for his birthday.

The pair worked together on the new movie Dark Shadows. French actress Eva wanted to give the famously kooky director an unusual gift for his special day, so opted for an insect.

"I got him a rainbow beetle," she told British newspaper The Telegraph. "There's this shop in New York I go to, it has bones and fossils and insects that are like works of art. I have a few on my wall. Some people collect butterflies I love beetles.

"He loved it."

The 31-year-old shot to fame after landing a role in the 2006 James Bond movie Casino Royale. Eva has attracted hordes of admirers with her stunning good looks, but admits she is cautious when it comes to relationships.

The star who is believed to be single - finds the initial heady effects of falling in love soon wear off.

"[Love is] exhausting. I don't like flirting and when I love someone I always give everything, maybe too much. And then you have to work at it all the time," she explained. "I mean, the first months are always great but afterwards it becomes hard work. It's not as passionate and crazy.

"I think I wouldn't be able to live with somebody now. I've decided. I think it's nice to be independent and have your own space."

If Eva does find the right man, she would consider alternative living arrangements.

She approves of Tim and his long-term partner Helena Bonham Carter's set-up. The pair famously live in separate houses with a connecting doorway in London so they can have their own space.

"Yeah. Ideal. You have your own living-room, you can have it black with pink; you can have whatever you want," she smiled. "The routine is kind of scary for me. It's nice to remain not mysterious but not to share everything. I think that's dangerous.

"Of course a lot of people do share everything and they're very happy. It depends on the person." (C) Cover Media
