Freida Pinto: I couldn't date a bad boy

28th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Freida Pinto wouldn't have introduced a Hollywood bad boy to her parents if her love life had taken a different route.

The beautiful Indian actress has been dating British actor Dev Patel since 2009. The pair met during the making of 2008 blockbuster Slumdog Millionaire, and Freida admits her family are pleased she's dating Dev, whose parents are Indian.

When asked by Interview if her parents wanted to see her with a "nice Indian boy instead of off in Hollywood with Colin Farrell", the actress laughed and agreed she probably wouldn't have introduced such a guy to her relatives.

"Who they would probably never have met then!" she quipped.

"Yes, this makes them feel much more relaxed that they know who I am with."

Freida is 26, while Dev is younger at just 21. The movie star admits her mother was wary of the age gap initially.

"The first time, my mom was like, Well, he's six years younger than you are.' I said, I know. I don't know how it happened.' But she met him and it all worked out," smiled Freida.

The actress also discussed her childhood in India, admitting that she always wanted to be the centre of attention. The actress has fond memories of being raised in a lively environment, where music was always playing.

"Not so much, actually," replied Freida when asked if her household was "bookish".

"My mom was academically inclined because she was the headmistress of a school, but if there was anything that really was common in the family, it was music. My parents love Willie Nelson.

"And I think almost all my family members have been band members at some point in time. My sister and I were probably the only two people who did not form or join a band, though we performed at home.

"I was more interested in dramatics. I loved performing and putting on plays for the family - pretty much a drama queen." (C) Cover Media

Tags: Dev Patel, Colin Farrell, Freida Pinto , Slumdog Millionaire,