Helena Bonham Carter Possesses No Regret For Her Fashion Blunders

28th January 2011

January 28, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): The well-known British actress, Helena Bonham Carter, has confessed that she has perpetrated several fashion blunders but is not perturbed by them. As per websites, Helena has remarked that she deems that the fashion industry has become exceedingly autocratic and has put forth numerous unnecessary regulations. Helena had magnetized the attention of the media by emerging at the recent Golden Globe Awards (GGA) sporting one green and one red shoe.

The 44-year-old Helena has responded that fashion, as per her, stands for having fun and experimenting. She has stated that no entity can thwart her from sporting mismatched shoes. Sometimes, her experimentations with clothes and accessories appear awesome and, on other occasions, it does not. Helena has voiced that fashion has been abducted and subdued by the fashion industry, which has engendered stifling guidelines on what one should sport. Helena has asserted that she desires to demolish the diktats of the fashion gurus and demonstrate to the docile adherents of the fashion industry that the world wouldnt disintegrate then.

Helena, the proficient actress of Alice In Wonderland and The Wings of the Dove, has verbalized that she respects the oddball but victorious vocalist, Lady Gaga, for her extreme sense of fashion. Helena loves folks like Lady Gaga, who are ingenious and unique vis--vis their dressing. Lady Gaga is akin to a creation of art and she stuns Helena by being able to carry off herself in some of the bizarre shoes that she has sported.

Meanwhile, as per Daily Mail, Helena has voiced that she would never undergo cosmetic surgery to appear younger as that would have a detrimental impact on her career in films. She has verbalized that she is certain that her natural appearance makes her appear alluring to moviemakers. Age is underestimated and, as per her, the studios and directors desire skillful actresses, who havent submitted themselves to cosmetic surgeries. She has articulated that the solitary way for her to survive in the entertainment world is not undergoing surgical reconstruction and aging gracefully. Helena yearns to copy the veteran actress, Judi Dench, who has aged elegantly while simultaneously having a productive acting career.

-- Sampurn Wire
