Irrfan concerned about Bollywood

20th January 2014
Irrfan Khan in true sense is a global star who has been famous for his contribution and excellent performances in films like 'The Life of Pi', 'Slumdog Millionaire' and 'The Amazing Spiderman'
He has been known for his intelligent choices and the quality of films he does both nationally and internationally. Hence, it comes as no surprise when he talks about his opinion over Indian films. 
Irrfan feels Bollywood is far from reality and that for him is a great matter of concern.  
"Indian cinema is far from reality. Films made here are more about the dream world due to which hard hitting issues are not usually raised," said Irrfan. However, his concerns are uplifted by the silver lining which he spots. 
"In the recent times, Bollywood has been changing in terms of the subjects of movies, however, we are still not bold enough to raise Dalit issues," he added during a session at the five-day-long Jaipur literature festival that communed recently. 
Hope his opinion has not fallen on deaf ears. 
Tags: Irrfan Khan,