Is It A Losing Battle For Michael Douglas Against Throat Cancer?

14th October 2010

October 14, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Michael Douglas doctors are getting worried about his throat cancer. Reports suggest that the chemotherapy has been stepped up over the last few days and doctors predict that the odds of survival in this critical health condition are less than 20 percent.The news comes as a shock to all fans of the actor whohadabsolute faithin the mental strength of Michael Douglas, who during the first stages of treatment was very confident of recovery. Eric Braverman, the actors doctor from New York, said in a recent statement that Michael Douglas always appeared very tired and depressed these days, a sign that his life was nearing its end.

Several friends of the actor, director Oliver Stone among them, have noticed that the actor has been reducing weight very rapidly, and is now a mere shadow of the man he used to be before being diagnosed with throat cancer. Oliver Stone is the director of the latest Michael Douglas film Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and it was on a promotional trip for the film that Stone realized that his friend was slowly running out of zest for life. Douglas is so sick that he had to stay back home in the US for treatment, not being able to be a part of the promotional team of his film in Europe.

The only good news is that Michael Douglas is still hopeful and is trying his best to fight his throat cancer out. But doctors have noticed that the tumor under his tongue has deteriorated over the last couple of days.

-- Sampurn Wire



Tags: Michael Douglas,