Michelle McGee Did Not Know Jesse James Was Married!

14th October 2010

October 14, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Michelle McGee known as Bombshell to many, says that she does not regret her affair with Jesse James. When asked about her regrets in life, McGee made it clear that the only regret that she harbors is her Nazi tattoo which has raised many a question ever since she got it made. The affair may have cost actress Sandra Bullock her marriage, but Michelle McGee says that she was not wrong at any point of time in the affair with Jesse James, because she did not even know that James was married! In fact the girl says that she is interested to meet Sandra Bullock and sort out the differences.

Bombshell McGee says that her affair was not an effort on her part to draw the attention of the paparazzi to herself. However, it cannot be denied that Michelle shot to fame after the scandalous affair. The 32-year-old woman says that her children are the most important people in her life and it is in their best interest that she has tried her best to keep her children away from the scandal which has become a part of her life and has never brought them in front of the media cameras.

Michelle McGee who has two children Avery and Elijah is presently in Sydney to attend the SexPo exhibition which begins today.

--Sampurn Wire

