Janet Jackson insulted for weight in past

15th December 2011

Janet Jackson "internalised" the insults she received in the past about her weight.

The 45-year-old singer has recently committed to being the spokesperson for the Nutrisystem dieting programme.

Janet recalls the pain she suffered in previous years when people commented on her weight.

"I got called slaughter hog, pig, cow, horse... I internalised it and I carried it into my adult life," Janet told Extra.

Janet received remarks about her frame from a number of people with whom she interacted.

Her late brother Michael Jackson was amongst the commenters.

"[Michael] didn't mean it in a malicious way at all, I know that sounds crazy," she recalled.

Janet lost nearly 10lbs in one month on the Nutrisystem diet. The singer is happy with their choice of cuisine.

"[Nutrisystem is] the easiest thing to do," Janet gushed.

"The food is great. There's 130 different choices. They have cheese puffs!"

While Janet is not focusing on her health, she is spending time with her family. Janet's niece, Michael's daughter Paris, will make her debut feature film appearance in the film Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys.

"I'll support [Paris] for sure, but we had a bit of a talk. She's a smart girl, very smart. I just wish she would wait until she's an adult. Really enjoy her youth."
