Jennifer Lawrence: Cooper isn't gross

27th February 2012

Jennifer Lawrence says Bradley Cooper is "respectful, not gross".

The 21-year-old actress recently finished shooting The Silver Linings Playbook with Bradley. The pair had a great time on the set, and Jennifer has dismissed Bradley's reputation as a womaniser.

"He's respectful, not gross," she told the April issue of UK magazine Glamour. "Not one of those Hollywood guys who is like, Oh, I can sleep with anybody I want.' That helps. It means that when it comes to the romantic stuff, you don't freak out."

Jennifer and Bradley share a passionate kiss during a scene for The Silver Linings Playbook. Although she is still getting used to locking lips with her co-stars, Jennifer insists romantic scenes should look believable.

"I don't mind the tongues. It should be real right? So I never mind that," she laughed.

Jennifer is one of the hottest rising stars in Hollywood.

After appearing in Winter's Bone and the much-anticipated The Hunger Games, the star could have let fame go to her head.

However, Jennifer remains grounded and realises how fortunate she is to have enjoyed this level of success at such an early age.

"I've never understood why people have to become brats when they become successful," she explained. "Success doesn't mean that you are allowed to treat people like sh*t."

Jennifer also revealed she finds it frustrating when she hears other Hollywood stars grumbling about the pressures of fame.

"Everybody always has to play this whole, Oh my God, I don't want to be in the spotlight,' game. They think that the way to win people's hearts is to complain about fame, when actually there are so many great sides to it," she added. "I'm an actor and I love my job; I can take months off, and I get a lot of money way more money than any 21 year old should have so what is there to complain about?"

Tags: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence,