Joseph Gordon-Levitt: The news sucks

16th August 2012

Joseph Gordon-Levitt equates prime time news to "bullsh*t entertainment shows."

The Premium Rush actor-and-entrepreneur prefers to keep up-to-date on the world's happenings through independent sources.

The way information is provided through some corporate media outlets is not at all to his liking.

"Every time I sit down and watch television news, I think, 'This is show business.' [It's like] bullsh*t entertainment shows," he told Playboy magazine.

"I say, go on the Internet and find news from all over the world through the BBC, the Pacifica stations, newspapers, people's blogs and tweets. It's so funny when people say Fox is bad. Sure Fox is bad, but I don't think CNN and MSNBC are really any better.

"What I've seen on TV focuses on the superficial stuff. It's a pretty simple notion: People who have lots of money in corporations, tons of money are malevolently manipulating the system to keep their money. And the rest of the world suffers for it. You could show a trillion examples of how Goldman Sachs, McDonald's, Walmart and Monsanto are clearly f**king over everybody, but CNN, Fox and MSNBC are owned by Fortune 500 companies, so they never show any of it."

Tags: Joseph Gordon-levitt , Premium Rush,