Julia Roberts: Javier Bardem scared me

12th August 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Julia Roberts was petrified of Javier Bardem when she first met him.

The two Hollywood stars appear in new movie Eat Pray Love together. The film is about a woman who goes on a round-the-world trip following her divorce.

Julia is a huge fan of Javier’s work, most notably his portrayal of Anton Chigurh in 2007’s No Country for Old Men, which won him the best supporting actor Oscar.

Anton was a quiet and brooding character, and he still gives Julia the chills when she thinks of him. “I was a little terrified to be around him after No Country for Old Men,” she is quoted as saying. “I got over it but then I'm sorry to say at one point that he pulled out a picture of him from that movie. I'd just gotten a grip on the way he really looks and then he got me back. That was cruel but funny.”

Javier enjoyed working with Julia, who he has called “optimistic, generous and open”. He was amazed by how easy she was to get along with on set, explaining he expected her to be less down-to-earth because she is such a huge star. (C) Cover Media
