Justin Bieber makes anti-bullying video

25th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Bieber has made a video declaring theres nothing cool about bullying.

The 16-year-old Canadian pop star has an army of adoring fans, and is keen to use his celebrity to highlight the problem of bullying, joining the likes of Ellen DeGeneres, Eva Mendes and Jessica Alba in speaking out about the issue.

Justin recorded a video in which he hopes to persuade youngsters to be kinder to each other, and encourage witnesses of bad behaviour to stand in and help their peers.

I just wanted to say theres nothing cool about being a bully and if youre getting bullied make sure to tell someone and, you know, it gets better. And if youre a bystander make sure to step in and help out, pleaded Justin in the serious message.

Justin was himself reported to have been picked on by youngsters last month when he went to play laser tag.

The incident occurred at Planet Lazer, a laser tag chain that has a centre in Richmond, Canada. It was claimed the pop singer was playing the game when he was picked on by a fellow player, who apparently targeted an anti-gay slur at him.

In September the suicide of gay student Tyler Clementi, who studied in New Jersey, pushed the issue of bullying to the forefront of peoples minds in the US. Tyler was reportedly picked on because of his sexuality. (C) Cover Media
