Kate Beckinsale: I have Freddie Mercury teeth

2nd July 2012

Kate Beckinsale would love to be Freddie Mercury and is "halfway there with the teeth".

The British actress began considering living another person's life while she was filming the remake of Total Recall. Kate is a huge fan of the late Queen frontman and admired his captivating stage presence. She even believes they have similar features.

"Freddie Mercury," she told the latest issue of UK magazine Glamour when asked whose life she would choose to live. "I'm a horrible singer and I'd love to be so flamboyant and charismatic and eccentric. I'm comfortable in a catsuit. With a moustache? Oh, I think so. I am halfway there with the teeth!"

Freddie sadly passed away in 1991. Kate is acutely aware of how precious life is as her own father, actor Richard Beckinsale, died when she was just five.

Losing her dad at such an early age has given the 38-year-old beauty a refreshing perspective on the ageing process.

"I love pretty' as much as anybody, but if that's all there is as a culture, we're screwed," she explained. "I think you have to be as objective about that as possible and say, There is nothing that serves my soul in wondering how crow's feet are going to affect my life.' It's something to be resisted. Ageing is going to happen and it should. My father died at 31, so to me ageing is extremely preferable to the alternative, which is not ageing. Every year I get past 31, I think, Thank God.' It's a gift to be able to go, I look different, that means I'm not dead!"

Kate is happily married to director Len Wiseman and she has a 13-year-old daughter, Lily, with her former partner Michael Sheen.

Although Kate often dreams of having another child, she isn't sure if the timing is right. However, she is acutely aware that it could be difficult to get pregnant if she waits too long.

"There's absolutely part of me that goes, I'd love to have a baby in the relationship I'm in, and have that experience when the relationship's really good and exclusive,' but I'm just not sure," she added. "At some point the decision will be made for me, when my ovaries dry up and die. We'll see. There's nothing that makes me go, And now I must have triplets!'"

Tags: Kate Beckinsale,