Kate Beckinsale relished evil English role'

3rd April 2012

Kate Beckinsale thought it would be "fun" to make her latest character English when she is evil.

The actress is Lori in the upcoming movie Total Recall, which is a remake of the iconic 1990 movie. Lori has two sides to her character and Kate was thrilled to be able to give her own spin to each of them.

"I've never played a bad guy before, the villain. I loved the fact that she flips from being this very sweet concerned wife to this killing machine. We found it fun to make her American when she's nice and English when she's horrible, just because we can," she laughed.

"I've always been on the side of truth and justice [in my roles] there is a slightly maniacal leer inside her that she's slightly out of control. That's always fun for an actor to play."

The new picture also stars Colin Farrell as a factor worker who starts to think he might actually be a spy.

The science-fiction movie is set in the future and Colin was astounded when he first saw some of the sets. Many of his pals expected things to be added in using CGI, but that hasn't always been the case.

"The sets have been cool, man, really cool. I've had mates say, Everything is green screen, is it hard to imagine the environment?' and it hasn't been because the green screen is completing the magnitude of this world that's gonna be represented in the film," he explained to ET Online. "But the immediate environment that I find myself in - anything that I refer to, anything that I point to or pick up or touch or turn around, they're all there. It's some of the most incredibly carpentered designs and finely detailed world that I've ever seen on a film set."

Jessica Biel is thrilled to have worked with Colin on the movie.

She is constantly amazed by him and has soaked up as much as possible during their time shooting together.

"Colin has been one of the reasons why this experience has been so enjoyable. He is inspiring to watch work, he's just constantly doing something different, surprising me, surprising himself, wanting to push himself. I find his performances continuously layered," she said.

Tags: Kate Beckinsale,