Kate Winslet: I wear a celebrity hat

28th December 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kate Winslet has to put on her "celebrity hat" for press events.

The star is often spotted out on red carpet events or on dates with her new boyfriend Ned RocknRoll, who is Sir Richard Branson's nephew.

However, she insisted that her life is not as glamorous as it appears. She claims her celebrity persona is just another character.

"The rest of the time, I'm a mom. The other day, when I got off the boat in Venice for the photocall of Carnage, I surprised myself by saying loudly, OK, celebrity, put on the hat'. It's funny for me to do that, but it is the same as playing a role," she explained.

The actress received worldwide attention this year after she helped rescue Richard's elderly mother when a fire struck his house on Necker Island. Kate was staying at the property with her children.

She was shocked by all the interest the event received.

"I haven't been seeking all this attention, and it's even quite embarrassing if you want to know the truth," she told the French edition of Glamour. "But what happened at the Branson's was incredible, I can't deny it. It remains an extraordinary event, as far removed from my everyday life as going parachute jumping or going to a festival."

Recently the star has played two troubled mothers, one in the TV series Mildred Pierce and the other in Roman Polanski's latest movie Carnage.

Kate is attracted to roles which represent the same issues that everyday people experience.

"People marry and divorce, they have kids and fight for and it's not going to stop," she explained. "Personally, I love those complex characters, full of contradictions that have been through so many things in life. I have lived quite a lot myself, and I need to find this in what I play." (C) Cover Media

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