Kate Winslet monitoring Titanic viewing

2nd April 2012

Kate Winslet says it will be a "profoundly weird" experience to watch Titanic with her children.

The British actress shot to fame in the 1997 movie, alongside Leonardo DiCaprio. The film features a scene where Kate poses naked while Leonardo's character draws her. She admits the idea of her two children 11-year-old daughter Mia and son Joe, eight seeing Titanic is strange, but she claims her son will have other things on his mind.

"They still haven't seen it, but they are the perfect ages to watch it now. So they can see it with me in 3D and it is going to be profoundly weird. I know the bits when I will be covering their eyes like this. I am on eye covering duty and someone else is on ear covering duty because I don't have enough hands," she laughed during an interview with UK TV show Daybreak. "[My son] is going to be like, Uhhh, when is dinnertime? Can we have desert today? Can I have ketchup?' That is all he is going to be concerned with, where his next meal is coming from. He is a proper boy."

The 36-year-old star has remained close to Leonardo since making the film and they worked together again on Revolutionary Road in 2008.

When Kate was quizzed on how she and Leonardo have changed in the years since Titanic, she cheekily suggested their weight has fluctuated in opposite directions.

"We do look very different, we are older! Leo is 37 and I am 36, we were 21 and 22 when we made that film, you know," she replied. "He is fatter now and I am thinner! It is true though, you love me for saying that don't you?! He might not, but he doesn't care he won't care at all [laughs]."

Tags: Kate Winslet, Titanic,