Kevin Bacon: We are all connected

20th April 2012

Kevin Bacon was "horrified" at first when learned of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a long held trivia game based on the idea that the world of Hollywood is so small that anyone in the film industry can be linked to Kevin within six steps.

USA Today reports that when the game became popular in the 1990s, Kevin didn't react well at first.

"[I was initially] horrified," Kevin explained in a speech at the 2012 National Make A Difference Day Awards in Washington D.C. Thursday. "[Later] I thought... is there something that's branded with me in some kind of a way that I can use? And I didn't really like the sound of The Footloose Foundation."

Kevin ultimately decided to establish a charitable foundation based on the game some years later called

The foundation takes a unique approach to altruism in its attempts to create benevolent networks based on six degrees of separation.

Kevin is proud of what his charity contributes to the world at large.

"With the six degrees idea, if you take me out -- which is really what you should do -- it's a beautiful concept because the truth is that we are all connected," he detailed.

Tags: Kevin Bacon,