Kind boss Jon Favreau

10th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jon Favreau tipped the extras on his new movie $100 each after making them hang from hooks on a ceiling all day.

The director has been making Cowboys and Aliens, which is about a group of Indians who have to work with some Western settlers when the land they share in Arizona is infiltrated by extraterrestrials. It stars Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig and Olivia Wilde, and is due out next year.

Jon needed lots of extras for the movie, and one scene saw them donning alien suits and then hanging from oversized hooks in the ceiling. The director was so impressed when none of them moaned despite the uncomfortable conditions, he decided to boost their pay packet.

As hours of filming dragged on with inevitable delays, everyone started feeling sorry for the dangling extras, National Enquirer reports. Jon slipped them each an extra $100 bill as they left, a source explained.

It is thought the actors had to hang on hooks asDaniels character Jake Lonergan attempted to save them. (C) Cover Media
