Lauren Conrad: My books ring true

15th April 2012

Lauren Conrad has revealed that a lot of the crazy storylines in her book "actually happened."

The former Hills star is currently promoting her fourth novel, The Fame Game, which is about a reality starlet who is desperate to remain famous.

With regard to how much of her books is fiction and how much is real, Lauren said more often than not the storylines are based on facts.

"A lot," she said of how much is true. "I definitely change details, though. It's funny; I'll be working with my editor and she'll say, This story doesn't seem realistic.' But it actually happened!"

Lauren, 26, says she drew inspiration from people she knows in Hollywood who do whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight.

"It's a bizarre world and crazy things happen every day, so it would be silly not to use it!" the fashion designer said. "I enjoy poking fun at people in these books."

Lauren also revealed she misses "a lot of production people" she worked with on her reality shows.

However, she insists she is "happier now" that her every move isn't being followed by TV cameras.

Although she is content with her life at the moment, she hasn't rule out a return to television at some stage.

"Never say never," she added. "But as of now, I'm not looking into it. Maybe someday."
