Lindsay Lohan not concerned about court'

14th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan is reportedly "not worried" about her probation court appearance next week.

The troubled 25-year-old actress has recently been terminated from her court ordered community service assignment at a women's shelter. Lindsay is said not to be worried by the development. She is apparently unconcerned about her next probation hearing with Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner, which is scheduled for next Wednesday.

"[Lindsay has been saying], I'm not worried about court, nothing is going to happen to me,'" a source told RadarOnline.

Judge Sautner has not been lenient with Lindsay. The official was stern about Lindsay completing her community service at the shelter. Judge Sautner has also expressed her discontent about the star not appearing at mandatory appointments with a psychologist.

Lindsay was ordered to complete 460 hours of community service, spending 360 of those hours at Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles and another 100 at a city morgue. The starlet has completed 60 of those hours so far. She has one full year to fulfil these obligations.

"[Lindsay] says she knows that she has a year to complete everything and she thinks the judge isn't going to be able to do anything to her," said the source.

"Lindsay says she knows that she's not doing what they want her to do now but she feels like she won't get in any trouble."

Many of Lindsay's pals are concerned with her wellbeing at the moment. The source reveals that they would like her to seek professional help.

"[Lindsay's friends and family] want her to check back into rehab for a long time to deal with her addictions," the insider added.

Lindsay has been reassigned to volunteer at the Red Cross by the Los Angeles County Probation Department. (C) Cover Media
