Lindsay Lohan posts bail

19th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Lindsay Lohan is a free woman again after posting bail earlier today but she will have to immediately start work at a morgue.

The actress had her probation revoked and was tearful as she was taken into custody in handcuffs under orders by Judge Stephanie Sautner.

She will need to be back in court on November 2 for a probation violation hearing where she could be sentenced to over a year in jail.

The Mean Girls star was admonished by Judge Sautner for not showing up nine times to her court-appointed community service at the Downtown Women's Center in LA which the Probation Report states Lindsay found to be "not fulfilling".

During a heated 45 minute hearing, Judge Sautner also could not resist a dig at Lindsay who has seen a dip in her once promising career.

"She is supposed to be an actress from what I hear," the frustrated judge said after Lindsay's lawyer Shawn Chapman-Holley said Lindsay had to travel to Europe to work to support her family.

The judge ordered Lindsay to undertake at least 16 hours a week of community service at the county morgue starting immediately.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office said that the 25-year-old will be sequestered to do maintenance and janitorial work but will not have any contact with dead bodies.

"She will be emptying trash, vacuuming, cleaning toilets, that sort of thing," Ed Winter, Media Advisor for the LA County Sheriff's Department told RadarOnline.

"She will not be touching, handling or processing any dead people," he added but said that they would be "present".

It's also reported that Lindsay will have to clean tables where autopsies are performed where she may be in contact with bodily fluids that remain for disposal after the body is removed.

"Her day will begin at around 8am and she will be given one hour off for lunch before finishing her day at 4pm," Ed added.

"The people doing the community service are usually split into groups of around five and they are supervised all the time.

"Lindsay would be treated just like anyone else. There would be no special treatment. It can be hard work but community service is not supposed to be easy, it's a punishment after all."

The starlet's trouble stems from her no contest plea earlier this year in the case of a stolen $2,500 necklace from a Venice, California store.

"Lindsay is hoping this matter will be resolved on November 2 and the Court will reinstate probation and allow her to continue fulfilling her community service," her publicist told TMZ. (C) Cover Media
