Mark Ruffalo: I'm no sex symbol

6th April 2012

Mark Ruffalo says he would "never fancy" himself as a ladies' man despite having a large female following.

The actor, who plays The Hulk in new movie The Avengers, does not consider himself to be a sex symbol. While he is grateful for his success he tries to keep grounded as he gains an ever-growing fan base.

"I would never fancy myself as a ladies' man and I never really had any girls chasing me growing up. Or later, for that matter," he said.

He says his wife, French-American actress Sunrise Coigney, always makes sure he remains humble. The two have been married since 2000 and have a son, Keen, and daughters Bella and Odette.

"She's like, Get over it, you're not all that!'" Mark said of his other half.

"But it adds intrigue. My wife is very attractive and I've seen guys checking her out and I get tickled by that. It's hot."

Mark adds that his partner has been his biggest support. He says he respects his wife for being honest, even if it isn't always what he wants to hear.

"She tells the truth and she's deeply loyal. She's a friend and really holds me up. She's been through a lot with me. She's it," he smiled

The Avengers is set to be released worldwide later this month.

Tags: Mark Ruffalo,