Michael Jackson Were Other Doctors Involved In His Death?

15th December 2010

December 15, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): This might be good news for Dr. Conrad Murray, the man who is being investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department homicide team for the death of Michael Jackson. New evidences have been found in the room where the 80s pop icon died of cardiac arrest.

It has been revealed by sources that the room had particular drugs that were prescribed and prepared for Michael Jackson to self medicate himself. These evidences might go on to prove that other doctors were involved in the case.

The initial plan of the legal representatives of Dr. Murray is that they will not challenge the findings of the Los Angeles County Coroner, which state that the pop stars cause of death was massive Propofol overdose. Instead, evidences will be provided in the doctors manslaughter case. They will prove that Jackson had woken up after Dr. Murray left the room and gave himself the dose of Propofol that ultimately caused his death.

There are no reports yet that have confirmed the use of the new evidence in the pop stars room to show the involvement of other doctors in the case. However, the legal team of Dr. Murray will give evidence of the fact that Jackson had been switching doctors for two whole decades and consequently affected his body.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Michael Jackson,