Man Arrested In Front Of Hilton Residence

14th October 2010

October 14, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): A man was arrested in front of socialite Paris Hiltons home on Tuesday afternoon, bringing back to mind a similar incident which took place close to two months ago. Security guards stationed at the house of Paris Hilton said that a man was found knocking, rather banging at the door of the Hilton residence to gain access inside the house. Guards said that when they tried to stop the man, he got into a scuffle with them, as a result of which the police had to be summoned. The man, who has not been named, is now behind bars.

A similar incident had occurred in front of the Hilton home in the month of August this year. Two months before too, a man armed with knives in his hands was found banging on the doors of Paris Hiltons home. On that previous occasion the security staff of the celebrity socialite had to take the help of local police authorities to take the man to jail.

The intruder involved in the Tuesday afternoon incident initially evaded the eyes of the security personnel as he drove past the community guards inside the campus on his bicycle. However he could not escape the notice of the guards for long, considering the noise created in the door-banging. The media has not been able to extract information about whether Paris Hilton herself was present at her home when the incident took place yesterday.

Sampurn Wire


Tags: Paris Hilton,