Mila Kunis: I would date guy with toys

7th July 2012

Mila Kunis "wouldn't think twice" about dating a guy who has a teddy bear running around his house.

The actress stars in Ted alongside Mark Wahlberg - which centres on a man and his friendship with a teddy bear.

Mila - who claims she is currently single - has joked she wouldn't judge a person if their childhood toys came to life.

"I've met plenty of guys who have Peter Pan syndrome where they don't want to grow up, but I never met a guy who is so attached to a childhood commodity that it affects their life," she told the UK edition of OK! magazine.

"If there was a real life talking teddy bear and everybody saw the bear? Then I guess it would be the norm. And I wouldn't really think twice about it."

Mila also considered the option of the teddy not being real, but a guy having the toy with him all the time.

"Did I know he had this bear before I decided to become his girlfriend? Yes. Well then I'm taking the chance of doing it!" she laughed.

Tags: Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Ted,