Nicki Minaj vows to ditch drama

4th October 2012

Nicki Minaj has reportedly decided to cut off any further American Idol drama "at the head".

The singer hit the headlines earlier this week when she was videoed yelling profanities at her fellow judge on the TV show Mariah Carey. Nicki is seen screaming she is "not f**king putting up with her f**king highness over there" at Mariah, who compared Nicki to a "three year old".

It's now been suggested Nicki feels that she has been set up. Since she was confirmed for the show there have been rumours she and Mariah have a strained relationship, which the younger star apparently believes is being played on.

"We're told Nicki is adamant ... she won't be anyone's puppet and if she feels she's being set up, she vows to cut it off at the head'. As for how, she says for starters, the next time Mariah acts up,' Nicki is walking off the set," reports TMZ.

Despite Nicki's reported claims, American Idol bosses were apparently devastated by her angry exchange with Mariah. The incident took place after the two women apparently disagreed about a contestant's performance.

They were back in auditions yesterday along with their co-judges Randy Jackson and Keith Urban and it's been claimed they were "peaceful and professional" on set.

Mariah's husband Nick Cannon has spoken out about the incident. He hopes people won't let it detract from the programme too much, as the focus should be on the contestants.

That said, he is proud of the way his wife handled the situation.

"My wife is the strongest and classiest woman that I've ever met, if you watch the video, she just maintains her composure I don't think she's moved by the theatrics and pageantry of it all. She signed up to do a job to help young people this is like a sidebar. I hope that's not what this show becomes, about the catfights," he told Access Hollywood.
