Olivia Munn: No boys allowed on nude set

18th January 2012

Olivia Munn agreed to pose nude for the recent PETA ad but only if it would be an all-female set.

The 31-year-old actress is the latest celebrity to pose for the I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur billboard campaign.

But Olivia said there was one big caveat before she signed on the dotted line.

"I was very clear about having an all-female shoot," she told Fox411. "And the photographer [Emily Shur] is a friend of mine and she is fantastic and amazing and she has guys who set up, and they had to set up and leave.

"I felt very comfortable once I knew that there were only girls."

But Olivia revealed that although she is naked in the shoot in support of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, she did not want the image to be gratuitous.

"I'm proud of this picture and I didn't want it to be overly sexy, and I didn't want it to be overly fierce and strong," she shared. "I just wanted it to be somebody who looks very comfortable.

"I also think it's very important for women to know that you don't have to be afraid to be sexy, and also be considered smart, passionate, and nice."

Olivia added that it shocks her that people still wear fur and it is either because they "don't know any better" or they do know better and are "just that callous".

The actress is currently filming upcoming male stripper drama Magic Mike with Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer.

Tags: Olivia Munn,