Olivia Wilde: I've embraced my sexuality

28th February 2012

Olivia Wilde has always been "comfortable" with her sexuality.

The actress is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and has attracted admirers from all over the world. She is currently dating actor Jason Sudeikis and was interested in boys from an early age.

"I was very sexually mature at a very young age," she told the April issue of GQ. "I was very comfortable with it and talking about it, and once someone hears a young woman speak candidly about sexuality, it's like, Whoa!' You get labelled."

However, Olivia hasn't always been lucky in love.

The 27-year-old star split from her husband, Italian prince Tao Ruspoli, last year. The pair eloped when Olivia was 18 and got married in an old school bus on the beach.

She admits that she was too young for such a commitment and was left broken hearted when the relationship fell apart.

"I thought I was going to die young. It was a pretty juvenile mind set," she explained. "When you split with someone you love you think you're the only person who has ever gone through it, Oh did you listen to the National on repeat and live on Marlboro Lights and chocolate for three months? Me too!'"

Olivia has remained on good terms with Tao. She is grateful that the split didn't become too acrimonious and the star believes there is more than one perfect person for everyone.

"But I was lucky to have such a peaceful parting. It's never easy: it's f**ked up and I wouldn't recommend it," she added. "But there were no kids involved, so we could see it as this wonderful chapter. And anyway, you fall in love again. Oh God, to think that you only fall in love once in your entire life is such a depressing thought."

Going through a divorce has provided Olivia with inspiration for a movie script. She believes there is potential for a romantic comedy based around a break-up.

"I actually think the subject of a young divorce is pretty funny; I'd like to write a movie about it. Can you imagine a young couple fighting over Ikea furniture?" Olivia laughed.

Tags: Olivia Wilde,