Oscar Isaac stoked' about career

13th January 2012

Oscar Isaac "can't believe" how successful he's become.

The 32-year-old actor appeared in major blockbuster films in 2011 including Madonna's W.E. and Drive, which starred Ryan Gosling.

Oscar has also been cast as the leading man in the Coen brothers' upcoming project Inside Llewyn Davis.

The up-and-coming actor feels like he is living a dream.

"If I were to describe the exact perfect scenario for me it would be what's happening for me in January and February in New York," Oscar told MTV News. "I'm beside myself and can't believe my luck."

Oscar has always wanted to work with the Coen Brothers. Inside Llewyn Davis, a film about the 1960s folk scene in New York City, appealed to the actor from the outset.

"I found out about [the movie] way early on. As soon as I heard that I was like, I've got to get in there," Oscar explained. "I sent in a tape of me playing one of the songs. They really liked what I sent in and they brought me in to audition. Then they made me wait for about a month. I was thinking about it nonstop and then they called and offered it to me. It was unreal to get that call from Joel [Coen]."

Oscar feels that he has reached a new professional plateau.

"I think once I got the Coen brothers film, I could definitely feel a bit of a shift," Oscar noted. "The dream is definitely in full effect."

Inside Llewyn Davis will begin filming this year and will be released in 2013.
