Owen Wilson reveals his pick-up lines

25th February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Owen Wilson has jokingly admitted that he would give women the wrong name to secure dates.

The 42-year-old has starred in some of modern cinemas biggest comedy hits such as Zoolander, Wedding Crashers and Meet the Parents. His latest big screen appearance is in the comedy Hall Pass, where he stars alongside Saturday Night Live regular Jason Sudeikis.

The plot centres around two bored husbands who are granted permission from their wives to have complete freedom for one week.

Owen, who last month announced he had welcomed a baby son called Robert with partner Jade Duell, is famed for his dry humour and laid back demeanour. He admits that if he were single he would use a novel approach to snare women.

"Hi, I'm Jason Sudeikis, the star quipped to MTV, when asked on his opening line, prompting a pleased response from Jason. "Aw, that's very nice of you. Does that work for you," beamed Jason, to which Owen exclaimed, "Yeah.

When asked about some of the worst pick-up lines they had witnessed, the pair had more stories to tell.

Jason admitted he was often drawn to women who rejected him, a notion seized upon by Owen.

"Usually women will insult me. I don't see why you're so great.' And then, for some reason, I find that completely alluring," he said, before Owen added, OK, I'm going to win you over! OK, sit right here. Settle in for the next hour or three here we go," he joked. (C) Cover Media
