Piers Morgan will replace Larry King

10th September 2010

September 10, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The famous "larry King Live" might not have Larry King in from January next year. As shocking as it might sound, the news is true, CNN has decided to let go of Larry King and retire him from the highly popular show from January next year.

Now you must be wondering who will host the famous show, well the replacement guy's name is Piers Morgan. Yes, you might remember him as the obnoxious judge from "America's Got Talent", who was the first to write off every contestant.

Morgan is a veteran journalist, and he is a well known figure in the British Television industry. Piers Morgan hosts a Talk-show similar to "Larry king Live" in Britain. The producers are extremely happy with the choice of the new host. The CNN president Jon Klein said that Morgan is an efficient professional who can look at different aspects of the news and cater it to the audience with style and humor.

Right now CNN is struggling to keep up with the competition, perhaps that is the reason behind the makeover. Piers Morgan's new job in the "The Larry King Live" was speculated for quite some time and now the reports have been confirmed. CNN is all set to debut another prime-time show with the former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and Columnist Kathleen Parker by October this year.

We can only hope that Piers can fill the shoes of Larry King.

-- Sampurn Wire
