Bodyguard Sues Britney for Sexual Harassment

10th September 2010

September 10, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): A bodyguard has filed a suit against Britney Spears claiming that he has been sexually harassed by the pop star. The lawsuit alleges that Britney reportedly exposed herself to Fernando Flores and also abused her children.

A copy of the lawsuit claims that the singer made "repeated unwanted sexual advances" toward him by exposing herself in front of him in her home. Fernando Flores has been a bodyguard of Britney Spears for quite a long time. The lawsuit has provided a number of instances where Britney intentionally exposed herself to Flores and urged him to make a move on her.

At one instance Britney exclaimed "you know you liked it" right after flashing her bare body to Flores. The lawsuit also describes Britney as a bad mother who does not take care of her children. Flores claims that once Britney fed crab meat to her children although she knew they had fish allergies. The kids started vomiting violently right after eating the food and Britney refused to seek medical help despite their condition.

Flores has also reported that on one occasion Britney had demanded his belt and savagely hit her kid (Preston) with it. The lawsuit will surely become another big black spot on Britney's troubled life. Britney is running a close second to Michael Jackson as a bad celebrity parent and this lawsuit might just put her right ahead in the race.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Michael Jackson, Britney Spears,