Pink continues breastfeeding

19th September 2012

Pink has joked she will breastfeed her daughter until she attends her prom.

The American singer and her husband Carey Hart have 15-month-old Willow together, who Pink is still feeding herself. The 33-year-old star has no plans to stop, laughing she will continue doing so until her daughter leaves school.

"I'm a hippie at heart," she told Access Hollywood.

"[I'll feed her] until prom! I'm going to carry her to prom in a Baby Bjorn. Willow, your feet are dragging."

Carey has adapted well to being a father, just as Pink thought he would. Sometimes she wonders if he even needs her around to help out.

"He was raised by a single dad so he's completely capable. Sometimes I feel like if I didn't have the boob, I wouldn't be necessary!" she joked.

Motherhood has also come easily to Pink, but her pregnancy wasn't so simple. She struggled as being with child had a dramatic effect on her personality.

"[In the film 28 Days Later] they were infected with the rage virus and that's what I had," she laughed. "I didn't battle morning sickness, I didn't have uh, what do you call it? Cravings. I had rage!" 
