Robert Downey Jr. icon to Hemsworth

3rd April 2012

Robert Downey Jr. is the "godfather" of The Avengers set, says Chris Hemsworth.

The hotly-anticipated Marvel superhero film features an ensemble cast which includes Robert, Chris, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston and Samuel L. Jackson.

When asked how it felt to share the limelight with characters who have had their own blockbuster films in the past, Chris who plays Thor revealed it was not a big deal.

"For me, I have only really been on the top once. So for me it was, Oh, I'm back down there again.' Honestly, it's all felt very evenly spread. We all have a great section in it. It's not necessarily one person's story and everyone else supporting them. It really is a good script. For me, I certainly look at Downey as say, the godfather on it, because he started this whole journey. He was the first one to take on the Avengers character, and he is two films ahead of most of us in that sense. Watch and learn," he told Collider.

"But everyone is proven in their own right, whether they've been nominated for Academy Awards or just done a bag full of films over the years."

The Avengers has been shrouded in secrecy since production first started. Chris has joked he has become a shell of his former self because of the on-set secrets he has been harbouring.

"You just become really boring. You end up saying nothing all the time," he quipped.

"Like a politician you side step your way out of everything and generalise everything. It would be nice to not have to be secretive and give you some detail."

Tags: Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Hemsworth,