Roger Taylor: Queen music is intelligent

21st February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Roger Taylor thinks Queen were so popular because they made intelligent music.

The British rock band which comprised Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon and Roger celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, with the groups entire back catalogue being re-released to mark the occasion.

Roger still finds it hard to comprehend how huge Queen became, and is proud of all the group achieved. What was always thrilling to me was when people really loved the records, he explained. Theres a basic truth there you shouldnt be ashamed to reach a lot of people. What could be better than reaching a lot of people while retaining some intelligence?

Queen kept working on material right up until Freddies death of an AIDS related illness in 1991. The group are renowned for wearing outrageous clothes, and have often been ridiculed by those who thought their music wasnt hip enough. Its not something which worries Brian or Roger, who have both got used to hearing peoples opinions of their work.

Respect is a funny thing, Brian told Culture magazine. If you look for it, youll forever be disappointed. Its true [weve had little]. But we get everything, from complete, overwhelming love to total, outright derision. I dont take any of it on board, really. It would ruin you if you believed it. Youd go nuts. I care what people say, but both extremes are dangerous.

Roger explained: Oh God, weve always got stick for everything. People say, Youre mistreating the legacy, and I think, well, thanks for your concern, but its my f**king legacy. (C) Cover Media
