Russell Brand moves anxious cat to US

17th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Russell Brand has flown his cat to America after a pet psychiatrist said the animal was suffering from separation anxiety.

The British comedian regularly discusses his cat Morrissey on social networking site Twitter, updating fans with what he has been up to. Russell has been making it in Hollywood and now lives in Los Angeles with his fiance Katy Perry, meaning he regularly spends long periods away from Morrissey who is based in London.

Recently, Russell began to worry there was something wrong with Morrissey after releasing he seemed glum and withdrawn. He arranged for a pet therapist to visit the feline, who realised Morrissey was desperately missing his owner.

Morrissey was going berserk, causing all kinds of mischief, a source explained. There was only one person it wanted to be with Russell. Hes besotted and couldnt bear to think of the cat suffering.

Russell immediately began making plans to move Morrissey to Los Angeles. He got him a special pet passport and had a microchip put in him, and then organised for an assistant to travel to the UK to pick him up.

Russell got them to go on the same flight, the source told British newspaper the News of the World. He asked for a special box to be designed, lined with satin and he was waiting on the other side with the cats favourite food.

Last year, Russell admitted he was worried about leaving his cat alone so much. He said he was considering getting a passport for Morrissey so they could be together more.

I tried to explain to him why I am away so much but he didn't understand concepts such as international travel, work, and women in bikinis. I might go away a bit more now but it depends on the cat. I'm getting him a cat passport so he can travel around, he said. I've looked into these passports and they seem great. Disappointingly though this is no photo in them, which I was looking forward to. (C) Cover Media
