Sanjay Dutt asks for furlough extension

7th January 2015

Sanjay Dutt, who is currently on a 14-day furlough, is asking for an extension by another 14 days.

Rajendra Dhamane, deputy inspector general, said, "Sanjay Dutt has filed for an extension, but we are yet to receive clearance from the Mumbai police."

He was released on December 24, 2014 from Yerawada jail, Pune, as he wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family.

This is not the first instance that Sanjay is out from the jail. Earlier the actor was out from the prison for his knee treatment, then to be with his ailing wife and now to celebrate the New Year.

Sanjay attending Pk's screening also triggered controversy some time ago. Minister of state for home Ram Shinde said,"I have information that four to five people have requested for furlough, and out of them, he (Dutt) is the only one who has been repeatedly granted it. We need to find out under which law has he been granted this and, if he has been extended this facility, why the same law has not been applied to others."

Tags: Sanjay Dutt,