Scarlett Johansson scared' of animals

15th December 2011

Scarlett Johansson is "terrified" of wild animals.

The 27-year-old actress stars alongside Matt Damon and Elle Fanning in upcoming family comedy We Bought a Zoo.

Scarlett was fine with being surrounded by wildlife on set, unless the creatures had wings.

"I'm only scared of birds. Something about wings and beaks and the flapping. I'm terrified of them," Scarlett told New York Magazine.

"If they'd asked me to put a bird on my shoulder I would've done it, but it would've been hard."

Birds are not the only beasts in the animal kingdom that frighten Scarlett. The actress is absolutely repelled by a certain type of bug.

"I cannot stand cockroaches," she explained. "That's one thing I absolutely couldn't do. But that's not really an animal, is it? It's an insect."

Many peacocks were featured in this film. Developing a rapport with these feathered beauties was a big challenge for Scarlett.

"I was terrified of them," Scarlett said. "Like, 'Ahh, don't get too close.' They're like, mean."

Scarlett does not dislike all animals. Hanging out with her favourite domestic critters is a joyful pastime.

"Occasionally sitting on the couch with the dog, you're just like, 'Man, you're the best company. This is bliss.' Just the dog and a nice old movie and you're good to go."

We Bought a Zoo will be released in American theatres on December 23.

Tags: Scarlett Johansson, Matt Damon, Elle Fanning,