Scarlett Johansson considers farming career

25th October 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Scarlett Johansson has joked she would "go into organic farming" if she couldn't get another acting role.

The sultry blonde kick-started her career in The Horse Whisperer when she was just a teenager, and has since enjoyed lead roles in films such as Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

Despite her success, the 27-year-old worries each role could potentially be her last.

"I feel fortunate enough to be able to fool everyone into thinking that I'm capable," she told Total Film.

"It's true, you know what I mean? I think every actor, when you finish a job you're like, Oh man, that'll probably be the last time I ever work again...I guess I'll go into organic farming or something.'"

Scarlett's next role is as Janet Leigh in the drama Hitchcock, which is set for worldwide release early next year.

While her career is still going strong, the actress is making the most of the benefits that come with her job.

"The perks of my career? Backstage passes!" she enthused.

"The other day I was with a couple of friends behind the scenes at a concert; we were so excited to be able to see that side of things. It's funny because a lot of people think that's what it's like all the time, but actually those occasions are rare." (C) Cover Media
