'Solid Patels' hurts sentiments of the Gujarati community

23rd March 2015

The Gujarati community has been known worldwide for their good sense of humor and their sharp business sense. Their goofy nature and strong sense of adaptability have ensured that these friendly people have been loved by all.

But recently, this community lost their cool over the trailer of an upcoming film, 'Solid Patels' which portrays the community in a really wrong light.

The sentiments of the otherwise sporty community were hurt with the release of the trailer where they portray Gujaratis as a directionless lot of people who are always looking for ways to scam others. The lead actors in the film, Tom Patel and Jerry Patel, are shown as two useless men who make ridiculous, obnoxious and shocking 'Get-Rich-Quick' schemes to cheat people.

We hear that Gujaratis from all over the world have taken deep offense to the highly stereotypical sneak-peak and are definitely not amused by the humor in the film. They are strongly opposing the release of such a film that portrays their community in a derogatory manner and seem prepared to fight it.

This makes us wonder, fresh from the whole AIB controversy, if the censor board will have to make another big call! It looks like some people in our country cannot make others laugh without saying things at the expense of others. We really need to start thinking before making such ridiculous and stereotypical comments!
