Spielberg's special gift for Big B

15th March 2013

A few days back, Hollywood's famous and most favourite filmmaker Steven Spielberg was in Mumbai. He met most of the well-known producers, directors and actors and shared his insights on filmmaking with them.

One of the special guest who was lucky enough to have a long conversation with him was our very own star Amitabh Bachchan (read news). The two chatted at great lengths as they called off the evening.

The 'Ambanis' also hosted a special party for Spielberg at their home, the very next day. Mr. Bachchan was again invited and he was the first guest who arrived at the party.

However, the interesting part is the special gift Bachchan received from Spielberg.

This we got to know when Big B wrote on his microblogging site which states, "Another evening with Steven Spielberg at dinner..a gift for me from him ... his coffee table book..what he wrote inside CBD ... !!! (CBD: Cannot be disclosed)"

Now, we wonder what's that 'special something' that's written inside the book.

Tags: Amitabh Bachchan,