The Whistleblower: Movie review!

21st October 2011

Director: Larsya Kondracki

Cast: Rachel Weisz, Vanessa Redgrave, Monica Bellucci and David Strathairn

Ratings: 3/5

The whistle is blown only towards the end but Rachel Weisz’s performance makes it worth every penny…


By Priyanka Ketkar

The movies revolving around war and crime are always very impactful, mainly because of the truth in the nature of events but it also depends on the performances; The Whistleblower by Larsya Kondracki has it all.


The Whistleblower is set in the time of post-Bosnian war where the UN has sent Peacekeepers to help rehabilitate the war-victims. Kathryn Bolkovac (Rachel Weisz), a divorcee mother of two and a police officer in New York has a turbulent personal life and now is sent to the war-ravaged Bosnia to face an extremely turbulent professional life as well. She is the kind who looks like she is married to her work and loves it more than anything or anyone else. This quality of hers is noticed by the UN official Madeleine Rees (Redgrave) and this results in Kathryn’s promotion. But her promotion stings everyone right from the petty criminals to the big guys who also have dirt or maybe even blood on their hands. While looking through the problems of the Bosnian people, Kathryn stumbles upon a scandal, so huge that it will not only endanger her life but if exposed, will bring shame to many nations and UN as well.


The issue of Human Trafficking is dealt with such elan in this movie that nowhere does it tend to trivialize the matter. At times the movie tends to be gory, it brings goosebumps but all of it is very real and that is not even half the reality of what happened in Bosnia. There were many more atrocities and much more dirt involving officials who were supposedly the "peacekeepers". But, how much ever is shown in the movie is executed perfectly well.


The Whistleblower is someone who blows the whistle, reveals a scandal and unearths some deadly secrets. The Whistleblower in our story here reveals secrets only towards the end but Rachel Weisz’s performance throughout the movie is so engaging that it is unfair to shoot-down the movie just because the name of the movie is not justified enough. Apart from Rachel Weisz, the rest of the cast, including the girls who undergo the trauma have also done a brilliant job. The movie is also shot very well and technically sound.


Overall, a very good movie, with a message that will make us think… Definitely worth one watch!


Tags: Rachel Weisz , The Whistleblower,