Tina Fey reveals witch horror

10th March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Tina Fey was horrified when her daughter brought home a book about working mothers with a witch on the cover until she released the tot cant read.

The American comedian has five-year-old Alice with her husband Jeff Richmond, and has previously admitted she worries about juggling her personal and professional lives. She discusses her fears in new book Bossypants, and has given some teasers about what the tome includes.

My daughter brought home a book called My Working Mom, Tina explained. It had a witch on the cover, and I was like, This hurts my feelings. She was like, Mom, I cant read. I thought it was a Halloween book.

Tina explained she is getting used to being a working mother, and finds it helps to be surrounded by other people in the same position. She doesnt think anyone can really understand what its like until they have children, as they change a persons world so completely.

The 40-year-old has also learnt not to give other women advice, as she doesnt think its particularly helpful. Shell offer up a titbit if its requested, but would never speak about parenting out of the blue.

Tina is glowing about Alice, explaining she is one of the funniest people shes ever met. The tot actually giggles more at her father than at Tina, but the comedian is fine with that.

Shes very funny, the star told the American edition of OK! magazine. Last night I called to check on her, and she was chanting apple juice, apple juice, apple juice, apple juice over and over again until she got some apple juice. On 30 Rock, she is the writer behind the phrase I want to go to there, so I have to give her credit for that. (C) Cover Media
