Vikram: I love the role of a blind man

2nd August 2012

Vikram has confirmed that he is playing a visually challenged man in his forthcoming film 'Thaandavam'.

"I have already done the role of a blind man in Kasi. But this one is totally different," he says.

The actor adds, "The image of the world, seen by people without any vision cannot be imagined by others. Hence, such roles throw a challenge at me and I playing the character."

For Thaandavam, Vikram underwent special training from Daniel Kish, an internationally renowned expert of human echolocation. "It was a great learning experience," he says.

Thaandavam throws light on the human echolation - an ability to detect objects in a person's environment, by sensing echoes. 

For example, by actively creating sounds – tapping their canes, lightly stomping their foot or making clicking noises with their mouths, people are trained to live with echolocation. Thus, the visually impaired can interpret the sound waves reflected by nearby objects.

Tags: Vikram, Thaandavam,