Vikram Prabhu: Why I chose Kumki?

18th August 2012

In an exclusive, the latest entrant to Kollywood, Vikram Prabhu, reveals what made him choose 'Kumki' to be his debut venture! 

He says, "When I decided to act, I did get a bunch of offers but somehow none of them really appealed to me. I was really not keen on doing the typical commercial movie. I wanted something different - something that everyone will enjoy. Something that I as part of an audience would be interested in watching." 

He adds that at that point of time, he got a chance to read a news write-up on Prabhu Solomon’s next movie, which said what the movie was about and that the director was on the look-out for a lead actor.

Vikram Prabhu adds, "My uncle, Mr. Ramkumar, happened to see the news too and he asked me to give it a try. So I went to meet Prabu Solomon. For a few minutes the man didn’t say a word. He just sat there looking at me and I was wondering if I had made a mistake in coming here! 

But finally when he spoke, he said that I came the closest to looking like the character he had envisioned. He just asked me to grow a beard and lose some weight. I did all of that and we did a test shoot. He liked what he saw, so here I am debuting with Kumki!"

A fairy-tale beginning indeed! From what we hear from the rest of the cast and crew, Vikram Prabhu has indeed put in a lot of effort for his role, and we are sure that all this hard work will pay off!

Tags: Vikram Prabhu, Kumki,