Anushka Manchanda shares her wackiest bachelorette memory

4th December 2015 was in conversation with Anushka Manchanda regarding her latest release 'Angry Indian Goddesses'. Starting with what character will she be playing to revealing about her real life bachelorette party we have it all for you.

Speaking about her character

So my character's name in the film is Madhurita, but she hates her name everyone calls her mad which I think she is a little bit. She is a musician, she is very aggressive, she is very confrontational, she says whatever she thinks.

Is there anything common between your real and reel character?

Well, there are a lot of similarities. So for me and Madhurita we are both musician and we are out there. Like nothing is like a taboo to do. And like we are very much like that. The difference is that I'm a very diplomatic person and deal with the people well, but Madhurita can't.

Your wackiest bachelorette party so far in real life.

OH MY GOD!!. You have to see. I would blow nude photographs of their favourite star (Laughs). I have actually done that. And so that's why I can give you this answer. (Narrates about her friends' bachelorette party)I knew that she (Anushka's friend) is a huge fan of Robert Downey, Jr. so I went online and tried to find hd sexy pictures of him and I blew them up. I got it printed with the help of my friend who has his printing business. We had booked a suite and in that suite all over the walls I had put these pictures.

Will this film change the mindset of people and how?

I'm so happy that you have asked this question. After the screening at Hyderabad we were doing this question-answer session with the press at that time one of the journalists asked how this film is going to change women? One of the young actors who was with us took the opportunity and said, "this is not the movie that women should watch and they should change, it's time for men to change, it's time for us to change and that's the message this movie is putting out." We are not preaching anything; the most beautiful part of the film is the bonding between the women which is real. The film is real we are not trying to be anything; we are not trying to give you any message or tell you should be like this or like that.

We are saying don't be afraid to express yourself; don't be afraid to be yourself. We are all in the film; we are all as any normal human being is no one is perfect. And in the film that's how our characters are, characters are not perfect. We are not perfect housewife, we are not perfect friend we are as normal human being are and so are situations are also real and the content of the film is also real. I think it's a very refreshing film; people are not going to know that what is going to hit them.

Your favourite track

Well music of the film is very special because it was not like our producer or director call someone and tell give us eight songs for the film. They have literally handpicked each and every song because we are an independent film and they have Indie meet Hindi, we have independent music in the film. And these beautiful songs are picked out from different places which just fit perfectly with our films and for me it's really special because one of the songs which I have written 'Zindagi' is also in the film.

So far for all these years I have being doing playback singing, song which other people have written, but this is the first time in the film that I am singing a song which I have written and so it's very special and this is the best film it could possibly be in.

Tags: Anushka Manchanda, Angry Indian Goddesses,