Ashton Kutcher takes break from Twitter

10th November 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ashton Kutcher has vowed to "stop tweeting" after his comments regarding Joe Paterno sparked outrage.

The actor was responding to Penn State board of trustees announcement on Wednesday that head coach Joe Paterno, along with university president Graham Spanier, would be fired from their positions.

The decision came after Jerry Sandusky, one of Joe's former assistants, was accused of sexually abusing children. Joe and Graham were dismissed for allegedly not reporting everything they knew.

The Two and Half Men star expressed outrage that Joe had been let go.

"How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste," Ashton tweeted on Wednesday night.

The actor quickly deleted his comment, but his eight million followers were already replying with outrage.

Ashton responded to fans and admitted that he had only read half the story. He said he deeply regretted his comments.

The star and his wife Demi Moore run a not-for-profit organisation, which was created to help put an end to child sex slavery.

Ashton later decided that it would be best if he stopped tweeting to avoid making anymore insensitive remarks.

"As an advocate in the fight against child sexual exploitation, I could not be more remorseful for all involved in the Penn St. Case," he tweeted. "As of immediately I will stop tweeting until I find a way to properly manage this feed. I feel awful about this error. Won't happen again." (C) Cover Media
