Charlie Sheen Thanks The Two And A Half Men Crew With Apple iPad 2010

31st December 2010

December 31, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Charlie Sheen was in the generous mood this holiday season as he left the scuffles of last year behind and renewed his contract for the hit series Two and a Half Men. To show his gratitude to the crew of the series, Sheen and his fellow cast-mates decided to gift the crew of Two and a Half Men with the 2010 Apple must-have, the Apple iPad.

All the members who work relentlessly to make the series a hit got the gadget. The association of Sheen with the series was in a doubt after the fiasco that went on between the actor and his wife Brooke Mueller. Last Christmas the couple had their massive spat and it became a public knowledge, and it was soon followed with criminal charges. This eventually jeopardized the works of the crews of the series.

Sheen was ordered with a 30 days jail sentence in August after the Mueller, which is still pending because he needs to complete the rehab program thats ordered by the court. However, in spite of all these personal fiasco the actor is ready to make his return to the hit show and have extended his contract to 2012. After having such a good support from the loyal crew of the Two and a Half Men, Sheen and his fellow actors of the show gifted the workers with the cool gadget.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Charlie Sheen,