Colin Farrell: I avoid Hollywood

2nd September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Colin Farrell says Hollywood is a "state of mind".

Even though the Irish actor is closely involved with the movie business, he feels far removed from Hollywood. He rarely spends time there and does his best to remain grounded.

"I make my living in a town that might at times like a certain sincerity, might at times be more superficial than a lot of places you would see or feel. But I don't really live there. Hollywood is a state of mind," he explained in an interview with British newspaper The Independent. "When I shot five days of Horrible Bosses in L.A. it was the first time in seven years I'd shot anywhere near Hollywood since Minority Report. I've shot in Albuquerque, Morocco, Toronto now, London and twice in Dublin in the last few years. But Hollywood? Hardly ever.

"This place has been good to me, though. I'll say that. It's been tricky to navigate through but I think I've survived."

Colin does his best not to get too overwhelmed with work.

He has two sons eight-year-old James and 22-month-old Henry and loves to spend time with them.

"It's important for me to have a life outside of film," he added. "I did the whole living-in-hotels thing for seven years and that was a very specific chapter of my life. Now I aim for more balance."

Colin's eldest son was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome four years ago. The actor has discussed his experience of raising a child with a rare genetic disorder.

"He didn't walk until he was four years old and his speech development was also slow, but he's a really happy boy", he said. "It's great being a dad." (C) Cover Media
