Daniel Radcliffe: My mother chooses my clothes

11th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Daniel Radcliffes mother bans him from wearing certain outfits until hes shown them off in public in case he ruins them.

The actor is currently promoting the penultimate movie in the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. Its important to his family that he always looks smart when he meets people connected to the industry. His mother is so determined her 21-year-old son presents himself well she does most of his clothes shopping, an arrangement he is happy with.

I dont do a lot of shopping myself because I have terrible, terrible taste. I think my mum chose these things for me, he said on a UK TV show. And I am not allowed to wear them until they have been seen on an interview like this, because she knows I will ruin them if I am allowed to wear them.

Daniel is particularly taken with a pair of shoes picked by his mom Marcia. They give off an outstanding odour which the young star just cant get enough of, and he thinks they are the future of footwear.

I spend my money on books, a lot of iTunes and shoes. The shoes I have on now are pretty cool. And what you wont be able to appreciate is that they smell awesome, he laughed. They smell like a fruit smoothie or something. They are scratch and sniff shoes, they are very nice. (C) Cover Media
